Weeknotes #1 – 14-20 Oct 2019

Having been inspired by the likes of Victor, Dan and Matt, here’s my first attempt at weeknotes.

Monday was Big Train Experiment Day. For the last 11 months I’d been waking up at 5:30am for a 7am train from York (where I live) to London (where I work), every Monday. I’d been sleeping on the train – or trying to – and often felt like I was playing catchup for the rest of the week.

Not so this Monday: my alarm went off at 6:45; I had a coffee; caught the bus; grabbed the 8:20 train. The difference was huge. I felt awake, productive and alive with the joys of life. I arrived in the office later (10:45am), but worked more hours overall and felt less tired. Experiment: successful.

And this